Thursday, January 26, 2006

The Backwaters of Kerala

Wow, when your expectations of an organized tour are so low you can only be blown away by stunning natural scenery and a good fun time.

Last night I finally picked the tour organizer who would be given the responsibility of making my trip to Kerala, if not India worthwhile, now that is a lot of pressure and many reps where clearly not up to the challenge, but one stood up to the task and delivered. We left on time (only 10 minutes late) the transport was acceptable and sooner rather than later the group of 20 or so people from all corners of the world hoped onto 3 canoes and drifted down the pristine waters of the small canal network that crisscross the area known as The Backwaters. Palm trees, pineapples, king fisher birds, and ducks.

I've been on simpler canal rides before, in Bangkok and the Mekong Delta in Vietnam and was really expecting more of the same, polluted waters filled with trash, oil and waste, dying trees, a horrible smell in the air and beggars and hawkers. However nothing like that existed. The hole day was beggar free, no trinkets or tshirts were forced upon us and even the included lunch was great. What a relaxing day. I think I can still feel the gentle rock of the boat as I sit hear now, or maybe its just the toddy.

Tomorrow I'm hitting the road again, I've met up with a group of Israeli tourists and were going to tea country, Munnar.