Wednesday, February 15, 2006


After being back in Melbourne (good old Melbourne) for almost 2 months it is finally time to publish the forgotten blog, written in my final hours in India and as yet unseen by anyone but you, yes you right now perhaps are the very first living soul to read the last thoughts I had in India...


Rickshaw rides that make a rollercoaster or dodgem cars obsolete

The laidback attitude to everything, it is a feature of every aspect of Indian society, from the cabbies, waiters, and police. Call it shanti, call it apathy, call it plain laziness, but without it it just wouldn't be India

The ability to have a conversation with a person where contradictions are to be expected and the word 'no' will never be used

Never getting used to people burping in public, at least when they piss in public they face away (most of the time)

Meeting up and traveling around with a great bunch of Israelis and in the process getting a completely different and amazing perspective of my father (bizarre).

Seeing city buses that stop for no one, literally! You just jump on and off while it slows down (a little).

Getting a great breakfast of eggs, chapatti and soda of under 50c

Learning to have enough guts to rock up in a new town and find a room without a reservation even it means leaving all your earthly possessions with some rickshaw driver you just met.

Observing the complete inability for Indians to keep in line/their obsession with pushing in

The funny head shake that looks like NO, but isn't. It confused me for the first month and still tricks me sometimes.

The way India can always out do the west. They don't have supermarkets here, they have the HyperMarkets. They can even make the simplest of foods exciting and fun, you don't get a roll at a bakery in Bangalore, you go to BreadWorld. Think of the possibilities.

Well I hope you have all enjoyed my rants, and tales from a fascinating country. One that seems to grow on you long after you leave, or is it that things are actually growing IN you long after you leave.

Please email me if you would like some more info on anything I've written about, I'd love to be of assistance.

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