Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Exams, what a drag

Ok, so I have exams, no biggy, had some before, and I;m pretty sure I'll have some more (the fact that I have another one next Thursday makes this pretty obvious). But come on, isn't it bad enough that I have to drop everything, study really hard for a week and then get up early and waiting in the freezing cold for half an hour before I begin. Isn't that enough.

Why must I be placed on the seat right next to the door that I opened every five minutes to let late students in, and as soon as they finally stop coming, to let people out! Why do I have to be placed next to the girl that insists on whiting out every blemish on her paper and even goes to the extent of CUTTING OUT a page that had too many errors. She brought a Stanley knife and ruler into the exam for God sake, what the hell is that about!

Then there was the girl behind her who had to cough, but not little polite 'exam hall' coughs, these were nasty, go to the bathroom and turn the tap on coughs, I felt ill, it was awful. I could go on but you'd think that I wasn't;t actually writing my paper just being disturbed. Partly true.


Anonymous said...

isn't that how all true exams go?

nechy said...

ROB see my blog. Tell me if you like the picture (i photoshopped it myself)

Nech x